Community Support

As one of Trafford's six 'community hubs' we work closely with Trafford's community teams to provide grass roots support & access to services for local residents. Amongst the support we can provide:
a free, weekly community meal
food bank vouchers
assistance setting up online accounts or making benefit applications online, through our digital cafe.
top up food support through 'Free Food Friday'
referrals to other agencies when specialised support required.
For more details on the support we can provide, click through to our SUPPORT page or contact the team by emailing or phoning 0161 941 2018. The team are available Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Fridays 10am-2pm- messages will be taken outside of these times.
We can offer support to all residents within the WA14/WA15 postcode zone. If you live outside this area, please find support through the central Trafford Community Hubs page here.
Through the support and activities we offer, and the network of organisations we are a part of, we will do our best to help.
South Trafford Community Collective
We are also a founding member of the South Trafford Community Collective, an organisation which supports, promotes and connects the VCFSE (voluntary, community, faith & social enterprise) sector in Trafford. For more information on this, please find their website here.